Jam Finalist, Known Issues & Upcoming

The game jam judges have just revealed today that Olympus Central was one of the 3 finalists of the Synty Game Jam! 

It did not win, but I'm still pretty happy about the fact that its originality and overall humor was well received :) 

People are starting to play the prototype more, so I felt this was a good opportunity to list the reported know issues (so far)


- Game crashes at launch if you try to play the proto with a bigger resolution than 1920*1080

- Walkthrough break if you try to leave Hera's generic conversation without talking about anything

- You have to choose a dialogue line in order to cycle the different ones available

- Clicking on objects can be a little finicky

- Need to relaunch the game application after game over


I'm currently completely restructuring the dialogue system, which takes some time. Once it's done, it should be a lot lighter on the blueprint and add more dialogue options right off the bat. The good news is that this will absolutely get rid of the WTB with Hera convo. I've also added some logic to be able to cycle through all available topics, rather than being forced to play a part of the dialogue in order to access the rest of it.

Once this is done, I'll make a quick video to showcase how it changed and will probably do an update to 0.1. Or I'll wait a little longer and rework the controls first.

3 new characters have been kitbashed, all their names start with an  A, if you're feeling like guessing who they are! These characters don't have dialogues or related tasks yet, but that's most likely what will come once I'm done with the major reworks.

Please don't hesitate to let me know about your feedback and suggestions about the game, it's always so interesting to hear.

Also these are my last days in Seoul, me and my laptop will be moving to Busan for the upcoming month(s). Exciting!

Get Olympus Central

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